BeWelcome News

Spring Cleaning: public BoD meeting tonight

Written by Profile: claudiaab (10 years ago)

Edit: The minutes are available now.


Sun and blue skies here in Belgium :) Nature is awaking and preparing for spring and summer. Perfect mood to get things done!

Tonight we'll have another public BoD chat meeting (interim Board of Directors) at 21:00 CET. Please register with your BW username.

You can already check out the agenda. Preparing the next extraordinary General Assembly (eGA) for new BoD elections will be part of the meeting, but more general issues are on the agenda, too.


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BeVolunteer rekindles after much controversy: Clearing the path for a fresh start

Written by Profile: claudiaab (10 years ago)

Saturday February 23rd saw the successful conclusion of the first 2014 extraordinary General Assembly (eGA) of BeVolunteer. Under the democratic principles which BeVolunteer was founded and governed by, the electing members felt that an assembly was required to address the recent series of volunteer resignations.

As such the Board of Directors (BoD) promptly set up the assembly that was called for. With a number of consensuses being reached, the work done clears the path for further progress to…

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Extraordinary General Assembly this weekend

Written by Profile: claudiaab (10 years ago)

After only three months with the new Board of Directors, BeVolunteer, the organization that runs BeWelcome, has its first extraordinary General Assembly (eGA) next Saturday (22/02). There has been dispute about how to steer BeVolunteer and about the functioning of the BoD. Over the last months several BoD members have resigned from the BoD: sitatara, who also resigned from other positions and volunteering in general, planetcruiser, guaka, who also resigned from volunteering, and one volunteer…

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Tough times for the BoD and another public BoD meeting

Written by Profile: claudiaab (11 years ago)

With two members of the Board of Directors resigning and an upcoming extraordinary General Assembly, times are getting tough for the rest of the BoD. In tonight's meeting we hope to tackle the crisis and prepare the events ahead, but we also need to take care of every day BoD tasks.

We will meet on at 22:30 CET. If you want to join, please join with your BeWelcome username. You can already check out the agenda of the meeting.

The idea of the…

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Terms of Use (ToU) update for the site

Written by Profile: shevek (11 years ago)

The site was just updated to support the new ToU that became active at the same time.

Additionally to the changes for the ToU some bugfixes and updates happened:

  • The editor for forum posts etc. was updated to the latest version (some options where disabled at the same time that were rarely used)
  • The suggestions feature now has a <a href="/suggestions/results">list of results</a>. So that you can easily browse through the history of suggestions.
  • The first suggestion was already…

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First BoD meeting in 2014 - and it's a public meeting!

Written by Profile: claudiaab (11 years ago)

We want to start the new year with a public meeting of the Board of Directors (BoD). On Tuesday 7th January, 2014 at 20:30 CET we will meet on If you want to join, please join with your BeWelcome username. You can already check out the agenda of the meeting, but we will probably still add some points by next Tuesday.

The idea of the public meeting is that you can read our discussions in real time. However, in order to ensure an efficient…

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Special thanks go to... our volunteers!

Written by Profile: sitatara (11 years ago)

2013 was a very positive year for BeWelcome - membership doubled, activity on the website increased markedly, new features were introduced, and the website massively improved. More importantly, this increased activity also resulted in a lot more real-life encounters, hospitality and cultural exchange.

All this would be impossible without the volunteers of BeWelcome who are busy administrating the website, answering to feedback, communicating with members, the media and the public, designing and…

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Update to BeWelcome's Terms of Use

Written by Profile: sitatara (11 years ago)

BeWelcome is updating its Terms of Use. The new Terms of Use will go into effect on 11th January 2014 at 12:00 UTC and replace our former Terms of Use.

By logging in after 11th January 2014, 12:00 UTC, you are accepting the new Terms of Use.

What are the changes and why are we making this update?

1. Making them easier to read:

  • The former Terms of Use were written in legalese. We wanted to simplify the language to make them easier to understand.

2. Making important regulations transparent:

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Board of Directors 2013-14 at work

Written by Profile: claudiaab (11 years ago)

During the last General Assembly (GA) a new Board of Directors (BoD) has been elected. So far the new BoD has had an informal meeting to constitute the positions of the board members and a formal BoD meeting

In between meetings we execute decisions, prepare for the next meeting, take care of the day to day issues and of course continue with our regular volunteering tasks. This time we also had to approve of the minutes of the last GA. They are now published and official.

We want to keep the…

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Introducing the Board of Directors

Written by Profile: sitatara (11 years ago)

Every year, the General Assembly of BeVolunteer, the non-profit association that runs BeWelcome, elects a new Board of Directors (BoD).This year's election was held from 3rd to 5th November 2013.

What is the BoD

The BoD is a team of highly dedicated BeWelcome volunteers. They have been elected for one year to support and serve the community. Their tasks are the coordination, administration, and representation of BeWelcome and BeVolunteer. Everyday decisions about BeWelcome are taken by the

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