Profile: sitatara

Introducing the Board of Directors

Written by sitatara 11 years ago

Every year, the General Assembly of BeVolunteer, the non-profit association that runs BeWelcome, elects a new Board of Directors (BoD).This year's election was held from 3rd to 5th November 2013.

What is the BoD

The BoD is a team of highly dedicated BeWelcome volunteers. They have been elected for one year to support and serve the community. Their tasks are the coordination, administration, and representation of BeWelcome and BeVolunteer. Everyday decisions about BeWelcome are taken by the community while the BoD sees to BeWelcome's sustainable long-term development, the management of finances, and safeguarding members' privacy and safety. The BoD is also responsible for promoting and strengthening BeVolunteer's core values: non-profit hospitality and cultural exchange, democratic decision making, a transparent organization, and encouraging member participation.

The BoD for 2013-2014

This year seven members have been elected into the BoD: chmac, claudiaab, guaka, pablobd, planetcruiser, sitatara, and wind. To learn more about each board member's roles and tasks, please visit the Board of Directors wiki page.

Special thanks go to the previous board members, thorgal67, pablobd, jilrev, and crumbking for their excellent work and dedication for the BeWelcome community and BeVolunteer!

BoD meetings

The BoD members are regularly in touch with each other to discuss all their tasks and ideas. They have informal meetings to get the daily work done and official meetings where relevant decisions, such as changing rules and regulations or deciding about BeVolunteer membership applications, are taken. Official meetings are announced one week in advance at the latest and the agenda is published in the BeWelcome wiki. After the meeting, the minutes are published in the same place. Sometimes, the BoD also publishes minutes of informal meetings to make important results transparent to everyone. To stay up-to-date about the meetings, please check the BoD meeting reports page.

On 6th November 2013, the new BoD had a first informal meeting, mainly aiming at establishing the different positions for this BoD period. Meeting minutes have been published in the wiki library: BoD meeting 06.11.2013. The first official meeting will take place next week, on 19th November 2013, and the agenda is now available in the wiki library as well: BoD meeting 19.11.2013.

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