Board of Directors 2013-14 at work
Written by claudiaab 11 years agoDuring the last General Assembly (GA) a new Board of Directors (BoD) has been elected. So far the new BoD has had an informal meeting to constitute the positions of the board members and a formal BoD meeting.
In between meetings we execute decisions, prepare for the next meeting, take care of the day to day issues and of course continue with our regular volunteering tasks. This time we also had to approve of the minutes of the last GA. They are now published and official.
We want to keep the interested BeWelcome and BeVolunteer members informed about what is going on. All the decisions made during the meetings, but also those made in between meetings can be found in the meeting reports. There we also publish the agenda for the next meeting (it's usually the top meeting report, you will see from the date and a note, whether it's the agenda for the next meeting or the report of the last meeting).
Our next meeting will take place on 10th December at 20:00 CET. We have several applications to discuss and so this meeting will be private. We're in the process of opening at least parts of our future meetings, and will have more to report soon.