Update to BeWelcome's Terms of Use
Written by sitatara 11 years agoBeWelcome is updating its Terms of Use. The new Terms of Use will go into effect on 11th January 2014 at 12:00 UTC and replace our former Terms of Use.
By logging in after 11th January 2014, 12:00 UTC, you are accepting the new Terms of Use.
What are the changes and why are we making this update?
1. Making them easier to read:
- The former Terms of Use were written in legalese. We wanted to simplify the language to make them easier to understand.
2. Making important regulations transparent:
- Important information was missing in the former Terms of Use, e.g. the requirements for membership (physical person, minimum age 18), types of membership, cancellation of membership, handling of violations. These were added now to make sure they are transparent for all members.
- We had no content license regulation in our previous Terms of Use. Since we legally need a content license from our members to display their content on the website and its regulations should be clear to everyone, this was added now. Please note that our license only extends to the use on the BeWelcome website, not to any other purposes!
3. Removing redundancies:
- There were several overlaps and redundant regulations in the former Terms of Use. We wanted to avoid such redundancies and clearly group such regulations together that belong together, e.g. former sections 4 and 5 were mostly merged under the new section 4.
- All regulations concerning the privacy of our members are subject of the Privacy Policy. To remove redundancy, this section was removed from the Terms of Use.
Please read the new Terms of Use. If you have any questions about the them, please post them in the BeWelcome Forum.