BeWelcome News
Giving gives joy
Written by (7 years ago)I send a thank you message to another member who donated more than the average. BeWelcome member harvski gave 100 Euros. I asked him why he decided to donate - and here is his very insightful answer:
"I really hope that BeWelcome becomes more popular as it's such a lovely thing to host and be hosted by people just for the joy of it. I've been participating in these sorts of communities for many years and have made many amazing friends. As an IT professional I know how much it costs to host…
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Thanks for another big donation :)
Written by (8 years ago)It happened again: One member donated one tenth of the money we need for a whole year. We are VERY grateful for this! Thank you!
Matchi1981 - a German living in China - donated 200 Euros. This one donation enables BeWelcome to run for about 5 to 6 weeks.
I asked Matchi1981 why he donated such a big sum. Here is his answer:
"After I became a BeWelcome member and got used to this website, I was looking for an opportunity to support this community as back in 2013 I was very interested in…
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Save the Date: 6th „Seek the Duck“ in Toulouse – 2.-4. June 2017
Written by (8 years ago)The Duck is active again!
For the 6th time the super-active BeWelcome community of Toulouse (southern France) invites everybody to help them „Seek the Duck“.
The programm is not fixed yet – but will surely be as diverse, interesting and cool as the previous times where they organized a treasure hunt, wine tasting, picknick, music and party and much more.
Join here:
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One of the biggest donations to BeWelcome ever
Written by (8 years ago)I could hardly believe my eyes when I checked the incoming donations and found out that BeWelcome has just received one of the biggest donation in its history: Member saraedum donated 200 Euros - one tenth of our donation goal 2016/2017.
Big thank you from whole BeWelcome goes to Columbia where saraedum is travelling at the moment!
I asked him about his motivation to donate this much money. Here is his answer:
"I am travelling now full time for almost two years. Honestly I think it is a pity…
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Can you help pay the bills?
Written by (8 years ago)Thanks to the time and skills donated by our volunteers BeWelcome only needs about 2000€ to cover expenses for the coming year. If you enjoy BeWelcome and would like to contribute, even just 1€, $ or £, you can do so at
If you would like to volunteer your skills, you can have a look at and contact the BeWelcome volunteer coordinator sammiekong.
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General Assembly 2016 review
Written by (8 years ago)This year’s General Assembly was held in Venice, Italy. Seven members of BeVolunteer were physically present, one BeWelcome member. Several BeVolunteer members followed the discussions online.
There was a very constructive atmosphere which made it possible to talk and decide about a lot of topics:
- We had to say goodbye to some older and inactive members. We did this in an official way, so that later this year we could change our Statutes accordingly. Approximately 10 other members will receive…
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In Cod We Trust: C'est parti!
Written by (8 years ago)Be Welcome Marseille is organizing an event from September 30th to October 2nd. The name of the event is In Cod We Trust, which is actually a rolling event after Seek The Duck (Toulouse) and Seek The Pig (Lyon).
We are willing to have as many people from Marseille and neighbourhood possible (question of honnor !). So be ready to meet new friends from all arround the globe.
To tease you a little bit more, we have this amazing programm ready just for your guys ! Aperitives, Hicking, Games…
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General Assembly 2016
Written by (8 years ago)The General Assembly (GA) of BeVolunteer will this year be held in Venice (Italy) on November 5th and 6th (Saturday + Sunday).
The General Assembly can be attended by anyone who's interested, but to be able to vote one should be a member of BeVolunteer.
More information on the GA will follow
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Interview with our volunteers: mountx
Written by (8 years ago)We would like to introduce you to some of our volunteers. Every one of them decided at one point to spend a little bit of time to help BeWelcome, making this the greatest non-profit, volunteer driven hospitality network out there!
Our sixth interview is with mountx who is volunteering in the Forum Moderators Team.
Why did you join BeWelcome?
Like most people, probably, I joined by accident. I first started hosting back in the mists of time, using a website – really little more than a…
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Fête du canard
Written by (8 years ago)On the 20th, 21st and 22nd of May, BeWelcome members have gathered in Toulouse to party for the so-called Fête du canard (Duck Fest). You could hear the quack-quacks all the weekend long! Locals and travelers have shared amazing moments around different activities. The local community is waiting for you next year to enjoy again these good times!
More pictures can be found here
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