General Assembly 2016 review
Written by amnesiac84 8 years agoThis year’s General Assembly was held in Venice, Italy. Seven members of BeVolunteer were physically present, one BeWelcome member. Several BeVolunteer members followed the discussions online.
There was a very constructive atmosphere which made it possible to talk and decide about a lot of topics:
- We had to say goodbye to some older and inactive members. We did this in an official way, so that later this year we could change our Statutes accordingly. Approximately 10 other members will receive the status ‘Honorary member’
- Google Adwords: the program was accepted by the members, which means BeWelcome joins the Google for non-profit and use their advertisement program, which doesn’t cost our organization anything extra. There will also never be shown any advertisements on BeWelcome.
- All new profiles on BeWelcome remain private; there’s no possibility to make private profiles public (and indexed by search engines).
In the coming months, BeWelcome will celebrate its 10th birthday! The GA already made some plans and agreed that the best way to celebrate this is to have several birthday parties around the globe! If you want to organize a celebration, let us know. Maybe we can help you with your event(s).
Finally, a new Board of Directors was chosen. You can soon read more about this in the community news.
EDIT: The Google program is for us to advertise in the Google search results, not to show ads on BeWelcome or even run Google-code here.