One of the biggest donations to BeWelcome ever
Written by duesseldorf 8 years agoI could hardly believe my eyes when I checked the incoming donations and found out that BeWelcome has just received one of the biggest donation in its history: Member saraedum donated 200 Euros - one tenth of our donation goal 2016/2017.
Big thank you from whole BeWelcome goes to Columbia where saraedum is travelling at the moment!
I asked him about his motivation to donate this much money. Here is his answer:
"I am travelling now full time for almost two years. Honestly I think it is a pity that I continue using CS because I like the democratic structures of BeWelcome so much better. But sadly BeWelcome (and also Servas) are not big enough and therefor no option for traveling in Latin America.
If I can support BeWelcome this way I am very happy."
This sums up so well the spirit of BeWelcome ... but also the challenges we are facing. We are still pretty much Europe-centered and did not reach the critical mass of members in other continents yet. If everyone continues spreading the word then BeWelcome will soon be a truely active global community.