BeWelcome News
Coming up: General Assembly 2015
Written byEvery year, BeVolunteer, the mother organisation behind BeWelcome, organises a General Assembly (GA). This year, the GA takes place in Düsseldorf, Germany, on Saturday November 7 and Sunday November 8.
Who joins this GA?
Theoretically, everyone could join the General Assembly. In reality, a part of the active members of BeVolunteer comes together. Some members chose to follow the GA and participate online. Although everyone may join, only active members can participate in discussions and vote…
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Who are the BoD?
Written byEveryone can find the basic information about the Board of Directors (BoD) of BeVolunteer and what it does. Not so many have actually encountered one of the board members to get an idea of who they are.
That's why the board decided to interview themselves, as active members of BeWelcome, to show the persons behind this entity. If you have any interesting questions to ask the board, feel free to write them here!
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Help BeWelcome, assist our members
Written byBeWelcome is driven by its volunteers only! Every volunteer supports BeWelcome with any amount of time they can spend: from 1 hour a month to sometimes 20 hours a week. Any help is welcome and appreciated, there's practically no minimum limit of time someone has to spend volunteering.
There are 2 volunteering groups specifically helping out our members and visitors:
- The New Member BeWelcome Team (NMBWT) welcomes every new member in a personalised way: they explain how our website works, what…
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Be subscribed (or not)
Written byHi all,
after a month of development a new version of Rox was just deployed to the server.
With it you get a single stop for all your subscriptions and you can temporarily disable all of them with one click (see /forums/subscriptions). At the same time the mail notifications now contain links to disable and unsubscribe from notifications for groups and forum posts.
All messages send through Bewelcome now use a new template.
During signup members now have to select a hosting status directly and…
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BeActive: promote BeWelcome
Written byDid you know we have a budget for organising events in your local community to help spread the ideas of hospitality exchange and BeWelcome in particular?
If you ever wanted to organise a special event on BeWelcome, but were held back because of some costs, this is your chance to get active! We'll pay for the t-shirts, stickers, banners, flyers, rent of a (small) venue (incl. utilities costs), other materials and even part of the food and drinks of the participants! Basically for everything you…
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Brace yourself: The Duck is coming!
Written byOne more time, the BW duck team from Toulouse is inviting everyone to attend a long week-end of festivity, from Friday the 1st of may to Sunday the 3rd.
Happening for the fourth year in a row, Seek the Duck is the longest BeWelcome running event and include lot of different activities:
- local wine testing
- giant BBQ
- Easter omelette
- museum and city tour;
- story telling;
- pic mic
...all the activities are free (except the wine testing, requiring 3€ to cover the costs).
Start packing your stuff, the…
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New donation campaign started!
Written byAs you can see, we've started a new donation campaign! This year, our donation goal is €1620!
In other good news: after a long procedure, Paypal acknowledged our non-profit status, which means our transaction fees are down to €0,25 + 1,4% (previously a higher basic fee and a higher percentage, dependent on the origin of the donation).
Please consider donating, as the donations guarantee a free (from ads), transparent and independent hospex network.
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A little design update
Written byHi all,
The dev Team just deployed a new version of the site. We hope you like the new layout for header and footer.
Some small improvements were made to the signup process (the most notable being that new members are redirected to the 'Edit my profile' page on first Login, hopefully creating a lot more filled in profiles).
The get active and donate page were also updated.
This was only possible thanks to OctoberTales who provided the design proposal and was very picky regarding its…
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Introduction of the New Member BeWelcome Team
Written byHello fellow BeWelcome members,
it is my pleasure to introduce you to the new volunteering team of BeWelcome called:
New Member BeWelcome Team (NMBWT).
Maybe, when you signed up to our community, you were happy that someone of the NMBW team sent you a welcoming message, as the NMBWT started to volunteer for BeWelcome in October 2013 and the team began to greet new members who joined from August onwards. If so, you probably remember the warm feeling it gave you.
BW is probably not a famous…
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First BoD meeting
Written byAfter a first informal meeting, the new BoD will have its first official meeting on December 4th. The meeting will take place in private, mainly because we first want to get to know each other and because of negative experiences made by previous boards. After that we will announce the outcomes publicly on the BeVolunteer IRC-channel, as far as we can, and will be open for questions and comments by the community on that same channel.
December 4th
19:00 CET - start of the BoD meeting
21:00 CET…
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