Be subscribed (or not)
Written by shevek 9 years agoHi all,
after a month of development a new version of Rox was just deployed to the server.
With it you get a single stop for all your subscriptions and you can temporarily disable all of them with one click (see /forums/subscriptions). At the same time the mail notifications now contain links to disable and unsubscribe from notifications for groups and forum posts.
All messages send through Bewelcome now use a new template.
During signup members now have to select a hosting status directly and are not set to 'Maybe' automatically.
When you click on a link that leads into the forum (like in an notification) and you're not logged in you now can directly log in and continue reading.
At last but not least the icons for the accommodation got a face lift (thanks to OctoberTales).
Testing credits go to amnesiac84, leoalone, Tsjoek, thorgal67 and sammiekong.