Help support our work

Goal for 2024-2025: €3050

€1716.98 received

Recent donations by date, amount and country (personal details are not shown unless explicitly asked for).
The donations are not updated in real-time. Do not worry if you do not see them immediately.
DateAmountPayment methodOrigin
24/03/14EUR 25.61paypalUnited States
24/03/12EUR 50.00paypalRepublic of Bulgaria
24/03/12EUR 10.00paypalUnknown country
24/03/12 15.00Bank transferFederal Republic of Germany
24/03/12 50.00Bank transferKingdom of Denmark
24/03/12 4.00HelloAssoCommonwealth of Australia
24/03/11EUR 10.00paypalOriental Republic of Uruguay
24/03/11EUR 50.96paypalRomânia
24/03/11 100.00HelloAssoIreland
24/03/11 30.00Bank transferRepublic of France
24/03/11 5.00Bank transferUnknown country
24/03/11 25.00Bank transferFederal Republic of Germany
24/03/11 60.00Bank transferKingdom of the Netherlands
24/03/11 10.00Bank transferKingdom of the Netherlands
24/03/11 51.03Bank transferUnknown country
24/03/01 1.00Bank transferUnknown country
24/02/29 99.99Bank transferFederal Republic of Germany
24/02/20 10.00Bank transferRomânia
24/02/17 20.00HelloAssoUnited States
24/02/05 24.00Bank transferCanada
24/02/01 1.00Bank transferUnknown country
24/01/31EUR 50.96paypalItalian Republic
24/01/30 200.00Bank transferSwitzerland
24/01/17 50.00Bank transferKingdom of the Netherlands
24/01/14EUR 3.30paypalFederal Republic of Germany