Profile: shevek

Be found

Written by shevek 11 years ago

Hi all,

after a longer pause the code driving the website was updated.

The main change is a second search option that will evolve into the main search option in the next months. It can be found here (or simply click on 'Find Members' (second item in the menu if you see the site in a different language than English)).

This search offers suggestions for places and additional options for number of possible guests and a vicinity search.

The search is language ignorant so if you search for 'Köln' or 'Cologne' doesn't matter. If you search for 'Monaco' the first result in the suggestions will be 'Munich'. Searching for '東京' lets you see results for Tokyo.

With the second search option a whole new result list layout is given. Offering information if you already communicated with a member and showing the real names of the members if they aren't hidden.

Together with the search the 'Browse Countries' pages was overhauled. The list shows all countries in your UI languages if it can be found in the database. The same holds true for the list of regions and cities.

On all profiles the city, region (if any) and country will also be shown in your UI language.

On the updated statistics page you can now see some info about languages on the site as well.

If you find any problems please don't hesitate to contact me or post into the bugs group.

Thanks to everyone supporting this endeavor,


PS: A full list of changes can be found on Trac.

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