Profile: thorgal67

BeWelcome has a new decision making process

Written by thorgal67 11 years ago

Thanks to everyone who participated in the voting about BeWelcome's decision making process! The result is that BeWelcome has, as of today, a new decision making process: (detailed results below).

To put this process into practice, our development volunteers will now work on implementing the required tools with priority. 

At the same time we need to build a "Suggestions Team". If you would like to volunteer for that team, please apply through the contact form.

Detailed results:

We are especially happy about the high number of votes among the BeWelcome members! Before the voting started, only 28 people had participated in the discussion about this topic in the BeWelcome forum. The voting shows that far more people were interested in this issue and in being involved in the decision.

Thanks to all the volunteers who made this possible.


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