Profile: retired_26819

Welen - The next generation hospitality exchange engine

Written by retired_26819 11 years ago

Over the past months of rapid growth, it has become obvious that the engine that currently drives BeWelcome will reach the end of its life soon. Thus, plans were made to start with a clean slate and rebuild from scratch.

It is now time to announce that Welen has passed the modelling stage and the coding has begun. If you are a coder, this is probably the time where you want to get on board because the early stages are likely to be the most fun.

Welen is built on top of the PHP framework Symfony and the frontend will make use of a number of standard components like Bootstrap, jQuery and LESS. We would love you to join us, no matter what your skill is. Particularly, useful would certainly be

  • UI/UX specialists
  • frontend developers
  • PHP developers

However, do not hesitate to offer whatever other skill you think you could contribute.

To find out more about the project, have a look at the project pages or contact jsfan.

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