Persistent logins and opt out from visitor tracking
Written by retired_26819 12 years agoThe time has come once again for a new release of BW Rox to take your BeWelcome experience to a new level. The current release focuses on security on privacy but also fixes a number of other bugs. The highlights this time are certainly
- Persistent logins ("Stay logged in"/"Remember me") are now possible.
- Opt out from visitor tracking ("Recent visitors to your profile") is now possible
- All threads of a group can now be set to "group only" at group creation time
There are a number of other smaller fixes and changes which are all listed in the detailed changelog.
Hopefully, this release will make your BeWelcome site experience much more enjoyable, so you can focus on using BeWelcome for what it is meant for, hospitality exchange.
Thanks go to beatnickgr, crumbking, guaka, James_Oder_Dave, jsfan, lantti, matthias, midsch and planetcruiser for their help with this release in the form of code contributions, bug reports, comments and testing.
Stay welcome forever without your session expiring now. ;)