Forum Rules and Moderation
Written by retired_26819 12 years agoThe forums have recently been subjected to a number of posts that weren't received well by the wider BW community. As in any community, this is kind of a problem because it shifts the balance towards individuals who put there own interests and agendas before the interest of the community.
As the forum admins have been busy with other things recently, I have now taken over the job of "policing" the forums a bit. That means that I will read reports from members (see the link under every forum post) and respond to them. Please make sure that you have read and understood the Forum Rules and Regulations and abide by them. If you feel that someone else isn't, please seak up.
As is encouraged in the Forum Rules and Regulations as well, it is often appropriate to sound out the community vibes on a certain post or thread before reporting it. This is not necessary for grave and obvious violations of simple rules (e.g. disclosure of another member's personal details, illegal content or spam). In other words, use common sense when reporting issues and do not overload forum admins with pointless reports.
Last but not least, BW will need more forum admins in the long run. So, if you feel this is a job you could take on, let me know and I'll pass it on for decision.