Fixes and improvements released
Written by planetcruiser 13 years agoGood news, it's Release Monday! I'm happy to announce that we just pushed out an update to the site. Here is what's new today:
Profile page:
- Increased profile picture size and added zoom - on popular demand, yeah!
- Fixed "Show all pictures" link in latest pictures box
- Fixed bug causing age being hidden for all users
Your personal welcome page (after login):
- Added user picture thumbnail at top left to encourage people to upload their photo
- Added RSS feed icon and links to comments for community news entries
- Removed headlines "What's the news?", "Who is who?" and "What's hot?" for cleaner layout
- Workaround for Chrome/Chromium bug on invite members result page
- Changed link for bug report at bottom of page
- Fixed and cleaned various bits of framework code