Profile: shevek

Updates to the site (first release 2022)

Written by shevek 2 years ago

Hi everybody,


Nearly a year has passed since the last bigger update to the site. So this time something big is changing:


Introducing the trips feature

  • If you haven't noticed yet, there is a new section on the landing page called 'Be visited' where you might find people coming to your vicinity. 
  • You may even invite them to your home or just meet them for a coffee. 
  • Creating a trip is easy and straight forward.

Introducing conversations

  • As we now have three different types of communications between members we needed an update of the message and hosting requests section as well. They are now combined into one view called conversations.
  • Only the last message received or send in a conversation will be shown in the overview, now providing a cleaner interface.
  • You can easily switch between conversations you started or where someone else contacted you and limit the display to unread conversations only.
  • As you might only be interested in one type of conversations filters are provided for messages, hosting requests and invitations.

Design changes

  • A lot of thought went into design changes which unfortunately couldn't be completed by the responsible team. You will see new button styles and round avatars in several places but not all. If you want to help finishing this task please reach out to shevek.
  • Additionally, the main menu was restructured and should work better on all devices now.

Bug fixes

  • If you ever uploaded a profile image to BW on a phone you might have ended up with a rotated image. This does no longer happen.
  • Messages and posts on mobile devices should be restored in case of page reloads (which happen frequently when changing between apps).
  • and loads of other stuff.

This was only possible with the help of many testers and people with opinions, so please leave some praise for them below. Also special thanks to crumbking and pavel.schoffer. Very special thanks go out to Jesus82 for his design inputs which led to the current design.



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