An accurate database means a more active membership.
Written by subaculture 2 years agoA peer to peer platform, like BeWelcome is largely based on its scale and network effect, and for some, the best hospitality exchange must be the biggest one. However, we believe an accurate database of active members is the better platform.
Last week, a clean-up of inactive accounts was carried out (suspending those who didn't log in after 5 reminders). 18632 accounts were suspended. Members need a platform of active members with an active email address. That is why accounts accounts with an invalid email address were also suspended. We remain transparent about our active membership, our non-profit nature, our mission, purpose and values, as well as where every penny or cent of your donations go.
We will always remain non-profit, volunteer based, ad-free, free to use and accountable to our members.
Spread the word, volunteer and get active in your local communities! If you believe the suspension of accounts was a good idea, why not leave a comment below!