Profile: crumbking

Grab your favorite drink and snack - join our online hangout with fellow BeWelcome volunteers and members

Written by crumbking 3 years ago

Dear BeWelcome members,

once again we reached November and we are planning the final steps of preparing our yearly General Assembly (GA) weekend (20/21 of November) of BeVolunteer - the organization who runs BeWelcome.

Traditionally we come together Friday night and get to know each other and welcome new faces. Second time in a row we only can meet online. But this is a great opportunity for you to grab your favorite drink or snack and join our online hangout with fellow BeWelcome volunteers and members.

So here the hard facts:

  • Conference Channel:
  • Date/Time: November 19th 2021, starting at 20.00 CEST - open end
  • Must Have: your favorite drink and snack, good mood and most important your favorite hat

Looking forward to meet you guys :-)

cheers Manuel

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