Profile: wind

A Message From BeWelcome

Written by wind 4 years ago

Covid-19 (the Coronavirus) has already had a drastic impact in many countries, and our thoughts are with the BeWelcome community and their families in these difficult times.

The outbreak has affected the ability to host or be hosted. Travelling and hosting are not advised - and sometimes not possible - in the affected areas, and the local restrictions can often change at short notice, as circumstances develop. So, if you have made plans that need to be changed or cancelled, please let any hosts or guests know as soon as possible.

We recommend that everyone follow the local health advice, including regular hand washing, social distancing and self-isolation as appropriate, so that we can all help to protect our communities, particularly the most vulnerable.

In these times of physical separation, it is even more important to keep up 'virtual' contact, until we can meet once again in reality and exchange hospitality. If BeWelcome can help in a small way with this, we are happy to do so. The BeWelcome Forum and the various local and interest groups are still available for people to post and interact with others. BeWelcome itself will also still be available to think about and plan future experiences, just bear in mind that making any firm arrangements may be difficult. 

The BeWelcome volunteer teams will still be working to maintain and improve the site for when hospitality exchange resumes. So, if you find yourself at home with some unexpected time on your hands, please consider volunteering (list of volunteer teams + discussion about volunteering). You will be very welcome.

With all best wishes,

Johannes - wind,

on behalf of the Board of Directors of BeVolunteer

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