Thank you volunteers!
Written by amnesiac84 5 years agoThe BoD likes to thank all volunteers, especially those who have been helping on making the new website a (soon) reality!
Thank you developers and designers for your great effort in making the website work, solving bugs and make it look nice!
Thank you system admin(s) for laying the foundation on our servers and prepare the migration!
Thank you testers for your endless patience with the many errors and bugs and for thoroughly combing through the new website!
Thank you communication team members for writing the texts for previous and future notifications and newsletters concerning the new website!
Thank you translators for translating the new words and phrases used in the new website, so that old members and new visitors feel welcome from second 1!
Thank you individuals who checked, read, rechecked and reread and then write and rewrite drafts for new Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and other GDPR-related material!
Thank everyone else who was involved up to this point. We're getting real close and we could not have done this without your help!