Profile: duesseldorf

Donation Campaign 2018 has started

Written by duesseldorf 7 years ago

You might have noticed that the donation bar is now visible once you log in to BeWelcome. As every year the annual donation campaign has started.

BeWelcome needs about 2000 Euros to cover its expenses this year. This is not a lot of money for a community of more than 100.000 members. Do not even try to compare it with donation campaigns by other websites like Wikipedia who asked for almost 8 million Euros during the past weeks. BeWelcome works on the lowest monetary budget possible thanks to the time and skills donated by our volunteers. If you enjoy BeWelcome and would like to contribute, even just 1€, $ or £, you can do so at (It would be great if you mention your member name in your donation.)

As many people are talking about Bitcoin at the moment we would like to remind you that BeWelcome also accepts donations in Bitcoins ... so just in case someone has some Bitcoins lying around and wants to get rid of them: Go ahead! We would like to remind you that we only accept bitcoin donations with a value between 5 and 1000 Dollars :)

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