Profile: duesseldorf

A warm welcome to the first BeWelcome baby

Written by duesseldorf 7 years ago

BeWelcome is not a dating site. But sometimes it happens that likeminded members meet and find out that there is more between them than just sharing a lifestyle, common interests, and hobbies. Sometimes unplanned things happen – for example that two members fall in love. This is called life.

While still living in Munich artep liked to go hiking in the Alps. She posted several suggestions of hikes in the Munich group and also revived the Munich hiking group

One answer came from kanalpiroge They did a hike together – and I like her comment about him: “… and I'd like to meet him again – for hiking or other stuff.”

Well – the “other stuff” includes that they both moved to Mannheim in 2015, got married in November 2016, and their son was born Januar 2nd 2017. :)

Congratulations to the first BeWelcome baby I became aware of!

By the way: artep is the coordinator of the New Members BeWelcome Team! (Though currently on maternity leave...)

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