Interview with our volunteers: Fhina
Written by amnesiac84 8 years agoWe would like to introduce you to some of our volunteers. Every one of them decided at one point to spend a little bit of time to help BeWelcome, making this the greatest non-profit, volunteer driven hospitality network out there!
Our fourth interview is with Fhina, who is volunteering on the New Member BeWelcome Team, Safety Team and the Support Team.
Why did you become a member of BeWelcome?
As so many other members I'm a refugee from CS. I felt betrayed by the community and decided to search for alternatives. BeWelcome was a logical choice, as it still got the old 'spirit': sharing, non commercial, volunteer based...
As I was doing voluntary work on CS too, it felt natural to do volunteering here too.
Why did you start to volunteer here?
In CS I was member of the New member welcome group too. As there was no welcoming team in BW, some of the old CS volunteers put hands together and started this team.
In fact, I don't see BW as a website to facilitate the contact between travelers and locals, but I see it more as a global community of people who like to travel and especially meet people of the countries where they travel. As a member of a community I see it as natural that you give some of your time and skills to help this community to grow, stay active and connected. That is why I volunteer. I want to interact and feel connected with these today 90.000 others.
It started with the translation team and than the New Member BeWelcome Team. At some moment there was a call to help the support team, so I joined that team too. The very last team I joined was the Safety Team.
Now that I combine these teams, I feel that I can really help people. And that is what I like to do.
What kind of traveller are you?
When I was young, I used to backpack and go wherever the wind brought me. I love it to not know where I will end up that day.
After my accident and with the child, I changed to more 'sedentary' camping. I only moved once or two times in one month. I love camping a lot. Being all the time outside, even at night. Not to have to go outside to be outside :-) That is why I don't like hotels: you have to do something to be outside.
Lately I picked up my old traveling style a bit: moving all the time. But this time with a car. I mostly camp, but if I can meet or be hosted by a local I feel lucky! I have the best memories of meeting local people. It's very exciting. As I travel alone, these encounters are of very much value to me. These are the moments that I actually share my travel.
Where did you travel to?
As a child I visited France (a lot) and Italy with my parents. As a youngster I started with Greece, Turkey, Morocco, China, Tibet, Thailand. Later: more France, the US, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Norway. Most recently: Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.
My city number 1 is Marrakesh: absolutely in love.
My most special country : Tibet