Seek the Pig review
Written by amnesiac84 8 years agoAt the first weekend of April about 30 BeWelcome members met in Lyon / France for an event called „Seek the Pig“. It was a real international even and it was good to see that BeWelcome is a real community of travellers: most participants came from all corners of France, but there have been Germans, Finnish, Italian, Spanish and a Turkish participant as well.
There were quite some nice activities – and the organizers (Cybouk, pranthavaliz and zapotek mainly) did a real good job: They offered a city tour, booked a friendly venue just for the BeWelcome event, organized an afternoon in a nice public square where locals of all ages including kids of some participants played Kubb with the travellers and enjoyed ffreds juggling. Afterwards many participants were literally „seeking the pig“ … on their plates and went to a very traditional restaurant with excellent pork dishes (as well as other great food). In the evening cybouk invited to a delicious beer tasting at her place where the last attendees left only shortly before dawn. A huge picnic in a park closed this relaxed weekend.
Lyon will always be a good place to visit again – and the participants hope for a second edition of „Seek the Pig“ in 2017.
If you like to meet other BeWelcomers just pack your bag and head to the South of France: From May 20th to 22nd another edition of the (in)famous „Seek the Duck“ event will happen in Toulouse.