Profile: amnesiac84

Outcomes GA2015 and New BoD

Written by amnesiac84 9 years ago

Dear Community,

as announced, the General Assembly (GA) of BeVolunteer, the association that runs BeWelcome, was organised on November 7th and 8th in Düsseldorf (Germany).
During the GA many active volunteers discussed several topics, proposed suggestions and made decisions. For those who are interested in more details of what was talked about, there are minutes of the meeting.

One of the tasks of the GA is to elect a new Board of Directors. This year the BoD is formed by duesseldorf (Anja), amnesiac84 (Lukas), wind(Johannes), sammiekong (Sammie) and girandoliere (Gianni).

During the first informal meeting, the fresh BoD found consensus on the roles:

  • Executive - duesseldorf
  • Treasurer - wind
  • Secretary - amnesiac84
  • Vice Secretary - girandoliere
  • Volunteer Coordinators - girandoliere & wind
  • Volunteer Recruiter - sammiekong

The Board has been working hard behind the screens to organise themselves, do all the formal paperwork and work on continuous tasks. We will do our best to keep the community informed on the work of the BoD.

The first formal meeting will be held on December 12th, 17:30 CET.

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