The new Board of Directors is elected
Written by amnesiac84
10 years ago
During the General Assembly the new Board of Directors has been elected: 4 out of 6 candidates were chosen to represent BeVolunteer for the next year:
duesseldorf (Anja),
wind (Johannes),
OctoberTales (Sébastien) and
amnesiac84 (Lukas).
After the first informal meeting, the fresh Board of Directors (BoD) found consensus in distributing its roles.
Our new
Executive will be duesseldorf, for she has been a long time member and elected for the BoD with 100% of the votes. The position as
Secretary will be taken by amnesiac84. Wind will remain in the position of
Treasurer, since he did an excellent job as such in the former BoD, and can fulfill this task without too much strain.
OctoberTales will both be
Vice Secretary and
Vice Treasurer, whereas wind will be
Vice Executive.
The BoD decided to have two additional roles,
Team Coordinator (amnesiac84) and
Development Coordinator (OctoberTales). The explicit tasks will be defined at a later stadium.
The new BoD would very much like to thank the previous BoD and will keep in contact with its members to have a smooth transfer of work. We'll continue trying to update the community as much as possible and necessary and are open for comments or suggestions. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
Here is the new Board of Directors:
Executive - duesseldorf
Vice Executive - wind
Secretary - amnesiac84
Vice Secretary - OctoberTales
Treasurer - wind
Vice Treasurer - OctoberTales
Team Coordinator - amnesiac84
Development Coordinator - OctoberTales
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